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FORWARD 1st Sunday, Area31 フォワード第一日曜, エリア31

Today I visited FORWARD 1st Sunday TMC at OmoteSando. FORWARD is the practical English communication school ( and they have two clubs in Division C. I was so excited to get into the school facility. At the entrance, the famous JiBo welcomed me and TM & Principal Ishiwata greeted me at a glance. What an experience! And surprisingly, there were many guests including Area 35 Director Ichiro Naito and KeyForce TMC President Mai Araki! Plus, TM Naomichi Sawada from Amazon Japan TMC and his wife Ms. Aina Sawada.

Many familiar faces of FORWARD members joined in the meeting. TM Kumiko Morimoto conducted the TMOD and introduced today's program and theme, which was "Step up". It represented the club who is now getting into its 3rd year and TM Kumiko's objective to enhance her facilitation skill. TM Noriko Kimoto introduced the Word of the Day as "Optimal", which is used as adjective and means the best. Coincidentally, TM Mai introduced the same word in her home club, KeyForce TMC, this week! Role takers introduced their roles, TM Ako Tashiro as Ah counter, TM Shoko Suto as Timer, TM Mai as Vote counter and TM Noriko as Grammarian.

The first prepared speaker was TM Jimmy, Tomoyuki Jimi. He delivered his icebreaker speech from Pathways. He was the very first toastmaster to deliver a speech from Pathways program in this club. It was very impressive icebreaking speech by using his name and telling his stories. The second prepared speaker was TM Nanami Fukuda. She introduced herself, especially her occupation as a nurse, to us and successfully delivered her icebreaking speech by using the anecdote with Keiko san. Her statement was very strong and I was moved by her commitment.

The table topic master was TM Kayoko Akiyama as her first attempt. Her topic was nice and four speakers tried to deliver their speeches. TM Yayoi Yamamori shared her power food, TM Akane Ikta shared her favorite song, me shared my favorite gin and TM Mai Araki shared her plan to visit Ogasawara islands in this summer. TM Kayoko successfully conducted the session.

The general evaluator was TM Megumi Shioya. The fist evaluator was TM Akane. She evaluated TM Jimmy's icebreaker precisely with full of encouragement. The second evaluator was TM Tomoko Amemiya. She evaluated TM Nanami's icebreaker and motivated her very well. And all the role takers demonstrated their reports with full of encouragement and care for participants. Surely TM Megumi concluded all the session by her exact evaluation with full of encouragement to all.

At the award session, TM Mai and I could share the best table topic speaker, which was the only voted one. TM Noriko had guest comment session and we are all delighted to have such a wonderful meeting. The picture tells everything. FOWARD 1st Sunday meeting welcomes us all with super friendly atmosphere.

FORWARD 1st Sunday, 1st Sunday, 17:40- , at FORWARD

今日は、表参道にあるFORWARD第一日曜トーストマスターズクラブを訪問しました。FORWARDは実践的な英語コミュニケーションが学べる英会話学校で ( ディビジョンCに2つのクラブがあります。私はワクワクして学校を訪ねました。入り口でいきなりあの有名なジボ君が迎えてくれ、トーストマスターであり校長先生の石渡先生も一目見て手を振っていただきました。何というお出迎えでしょう!さらに驚いたことに、エリア35ディレクターの内藤さんや、キーフォースTMCの会長の荒木さんもゲストとしていらっしゃってました!さらに、先日の合同例会でご一緒したアマゾンジャパンTMCの沢田さんご夫婦もいらっしゃっていました。

ミーティングには、お馴染みのFORWARDの皆さんがたくさんいらっしゃいました。森本さんが今日の司会をご担当され、今日のプログラム説明と、今日のテーマ「Step Up」を紹介されました。3年目を迎えたクラブと、ファシリテーションスキルを伸ばしたいクミコさんご自身の目標について触れられました。今日の言葉「Optimal」をノリコさんが、ご紹介くださいました。Optimalは最高という意味の形容詞です。すると、何と偶然にも、キーフォースのマイさんも、Optimalをクラブで先週今日の言葉としてご紹介されたそうです!Spark!な瞬間でした。こんなこともあるんですね。役割を各担当者が紹介していただきました。アコさんがえーとカウンター、ショーコさんが計時係、マイさんが投票係、ノリコさんが文法係でした。





フォワード第一日曜  第一日曜 17:40から FORWARDにて

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