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第一回クラブ役員研修会 COT#1






セッション3は、「質の高いクラブ作り」でした。英語は、エリア36ディレクターのクリス・クーパーさん、日本語はエリア35ディレクター(当時)の安孫子晴美さんによって行われました。クリスさんは、Distinguished Club Pointsの説明を交えて、どういう風にクラブとして課題を解決していったらいいのか、そして、クラブを離れて、フリーディスカッションで課題を話し合うという内容でした。クラブを越えたディスカッションが好評で、評価も高かったです。安孫子さんは、クラブのよいところにフォーカスをして、よいところの情報をシェアしあう、という方法でベストプラクティスを導き出すという進行でした。いずれも実りあるセッションでした。




On Saturday, June 16, Division C Area Council and Club Officers Training(COT#1) were held. On that day, there were many participants from not only Division C but also other divisions, and nearly 80 club officials all gathered to be a big event. At Area Council, we formed in each of the six areas. Due to changes in the alignment among the divisions and the areas, some people met for their first time. All the officers at respective tables continued for more than an hour considerably beyond the schedule with active discussions.

Club Officers Training began at 11:50. We started with greetings of six Area Directors in the next term. Each Area Director is a wonderful Toastmaster. Thank you for calling them as Super 6 with closeness.

And, Area 31 director Shoko Sudo conducted the first timer recognition. Nearly 45% of all officers participated as their first time.

In session 1, TM Katashi Ishihara, District Director of the next term, instructed us as "Tool explanation for club officers". He explained the contents precisely and the overall feedback was nice.

In session 2, TM Maki Matsumoto, Area 32 Director, led the "Club Officers Role Breakdown". Each role had groups for both languages, English and Japanese, to discuss. That was thanks to the cooperation of the current Area Directors, TM Konno, TM Ikuta, TM Naito, TM Adachi, and TM Ishihara. It was a fruitful content, such as expectations for officers, what kind of officers they wanted to be, and the challenges from each club were shared.

Session 3 was "Creating a Quality Club". English session was conducted by TM Chris Cooper, Area 36 Director, ​​and Japanese one by TM Harumi Absuko, Area 35 Director (by the day). TM Chris explained about Distinguished Club Points, how a club can solve issues as a club. Apart from the club, he let the officers discuss the issues with free discussion. Discussions across the clubs were well accepted, and the evaluation was also high. TM Abiko focused on the good points of their clubs and derived the best practices in a way to share information on good points. Both became fruitful sessions.

Session 4 was "Leading a Club to Success". English session was done by TM Ed Kuiters, Area 33 Director, and Japanese one was done by Takashi Hirano, Area 34 Director. Ed shared the abstract of the truth moment quickly and shared the Best Practice Chart, which had the contents to discuss. It provides what are the issues of the club, what are the root causes and how they can solve them. The club officers discussed their challenges in their clubs. After that, they had free discussions across the clubs. The officers liked the discussions across the clubs and their feedbacks were good. TM Hirano progressed by presenting the model of the successful club from his perspective, talking about the ideal figure the club draws and discovering the good and bad points of the clubs. By doing so, he navigated the officers to identify the solution method. Both sessions were fruitful.

Lastly, TM Sudo led the feedback interview of the first time participants. We got very meaningful feedbacks, which made everyone warm-hearted.

As a business session, I gave an introduction of the website prepared for Division C, and the webpage of attendance confirmation. The meeting ended at the last photo session by gathering together. Hoping the club officers captured the information that will make their clubs enjoyable in the coming term. The next Club Officer Training is planned in December.

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